Quintuplet babies take first walk with mom, dad, and more siblings in tow!

The Scott family is extremely busy, to say the least! Having five newborn babies makes it difficult to go out of the house. With the assistance of their older siblings, they successfully round up all the younger ones.

The entire family goes for a walk outdoors for the first time since the babies arrived. The weather is pleasant with cloud cover, preventing the sun from shining too harshly. The rocking strollers gently put the babies to sleep.

Skyler says quintuplet strollers exist, but they are usually custom-made and can cost thousands of dollars. Instead of that, the Scott family opts for a double stroller for the boys and a triple one for the girls.

Everyone is eager to breathe in some fresh air. The Scott family’s house is conveniently situated opposite a soccer park, providing excellent walking routes within their neighborhood.

Upon arriving home, Skyler is curious about the weight of each baby. At the time of their birth, they were only around two and a half pounds each, but they have increased in size since returning home.

Each baby is weighed on the scale with the assistance of older brothers Shayden and Landon. Each of the small children weigh about eight pounds, with little Violet being the heaviest at more than nine pounds.

Every day brings new adventures for the Scott family. When there are quintuplet babies, everyone must be ready to help. This family understands the importance of teamwork and assisting one another.

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